The following is a guest post from momAgenda COMM blogger Kim-Marie Evans.
I want to smoke to stay thin, look cool, and relax with no idea that I might be killing myself.
I want to slather my unexercised body with Crisco and “sunbathe” all day while reading The National Enquirer.
I want to drink vodka gimlets and play cards with my girlfriends at night instead of driving my children to their 50th soccer practice.
I don’t want to drive my kids to other states to play travel anything.
I want to tell my kids to “go outside and play” and not have any clue where they go or what they do.
I want to have no idea what homework my children should be doing.
I want to feed my kids Velveeta sandwiches and TV dinners without guilt.
I don’t want my kids to get trophies unless they actually win something.
I want to let my children watch “Gilligan’s Island” re-runs on TV after school every day without worrying that I’m ruining their chances for getting in to the Ivies.
I want to be a member of a PTA that just wants money, that doesn’t ask moms to bake cookies, run fundraisers or manage curriculums.
I don’t want to celebrate any graduation other than high school or college. Finishing Kindergarten, elementary school or 8th grade is not something to be congratulated for.
I want my children to make playdates the old fashioned way – by ringing the doorbell and asking “Does Sam want to play?”
I want the word playdate to not have been invented.
I want to be able to just take the phone off the hook if I need a break.
I want it to be more than enough to “just” be a mom.
Kim-Marie Evans is a New York area mom who writes about tips and tricks to make traveling with a large family easier on her blog The Luxury Travel Mom. Connect with Kim-Marie on Twitter and Facebook.