5 Lessons for Kids from the Olympics

My kids and I have been having a blast watching the Olympics over the last couple of weeks. The athletes are amazing, strong, and determined, the games are exciting, and the scenery in Rio is breathtaking.

There are so many lessons to be gleaned from watching the Olympics, but here are 5 that I’m focusing on in my house.


There is Strength in Diversity

I’m always looking for opportunities to point out beauty and strength in diversity. The women’s gymnastics team is a perfect example. These amazingly strong and talented women, who are black, Hispanic, Jewish, and white, came together as a team that absolutely dominated their sport, making us proud to be Americans.

Think and Dream Big

The athletes who are competing at these games all had to start somewhere, and it wasn’t in front of an international audience. Despite wherever they started, they didn’t let limiting beliefs about what they could or could not accomplish hold them back from succeeding at the highest possible level. They thought and dreamed big.

Work Hard

The athletes competing in these games were probably all born with some degree of innate talent, the perfect body type for their sport, and an inner drive to succeed. But all those things don’t matter unless you’re willing to work hard every day, day after day, to accomplish your goals.

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

I’ve said it before but it bears repeating…nothing is accomplished in your comfort zone. No one every got in great shape, started a company, fell in love, or had their life changed in any substantial way without getting out of their comfort zone.

Winning Isn’t Everything

The vast majority of Olympic athletes don’t make it to the finals for their sport, much less take home a medal. And it doesn’t matter at all. They will always be Olympic athletes; they are experiencing something that very few of us ever will, an experience to share with kids and grandkids someday.

What lessons are you taking away from the Olympics this summer? Please share in the comments below!