Five Must-Have Hot New Apps

The following is a guest post from momAgendaCOMM blogger Leticia Barr.

At the beginning of 2013,’s Dan Rowinski estimated that 614 new apps were released through the iTunes App Store daily. With 19,000 new apps coming out each month, it can feel like a daunting task to keep up with the latest and greatest. Googling “how to find the best new apps” turns up a mind-numbing treasure trove of articles including’s The 50 Best Free iPhone Apps of 2013 and since reviews on iTunes can’t always be trusted, it can feel overwhelming to find the best apps to fit your needs and lifestyle.

As a busy parent, freelance writer, blogger, and social media strategist, I’m always looking for easy to use apps that will help streamline my life. I receive a lot of press releases and download codes to try apps as they’re released, but I’m a discriminating tech savvy parent who is picky about the apps that take up my iPhone’s memory.

Which new apps have earned a coveted spot on my phone? Here are five of my new favorites!

  • Barre3 ($4.99) If you’re a fan of Barre’s innovative fitness system and have been going to their studios, using the online studio, or watching DVDs, Barre3 app provides the same tools at your fingertips by integrating a barre workout with an overall wellness plan. Key features of the app include: 10 minute workouts that can be done anywhere to maintain health without compromising a busy schedule, regularly updated recipe index by barre3’s go-to chefs and nutritionists, a built in ingredient check off list for easy shopping, daily tips from founder Sadie Lincoln, and the ability to reserve class space at the nearest barre3 studio.
  • Next Issue ($9.99 or $14.99 per month) If you’re an avid magazine reader but would love all of your copies to be instantly accessible to you on your space-saving tablet, Next Issue is perfect for you! Next Issue is a subscription app available for iOS and Android devices that provides access to more than 90 titles from top publishers. For one monthly fee you get access to all of your favorite magazines, including current and back issues, from publishers like Condé Nast, Hearst, Meredith, TIME Inc., and more. It takes just minutes to get started with Next Issue: Just download the app, open it on your iPad and tap to select the magazines you love to create a custom library. With so many great titles to choose from for one price, you’ll leave your glossies at home in favor of always having Next Issue with you.
  • A Beautiful Mess ($0.99) Whether you’re an avid Instagrammer or a parent who desperately tries to keep up with your lofty goals of scrapbooking, A Beautiful Mess allows you to add text and phrases to your images right from the app. Doodles, filters, and borders further personalize your photos and if you need even more options, in-app purchases are available to provide even more borders, phrases, shapes, and doodles for being creative right on your phone.
  • Story (free) Walt Disney was a great storyteller and thanks to Story, you can be one, too. The free app was released earlier this year and allows individuals to use the photos that are taken with their iPhone to share what Disney called “magnificent commonplaces” by creating photo albums that can be immediately shared. It’s a powerful tool that allows families to share favorite moments in real time with loved ones quickly and easily from the palm of your hand then keep sharing them for generations to come.
  • YesVideo (free) YesVideo is a service that converts video and film into digital footage and now thanks to their new iPad app, you can take your videos with you on your iPad for easy viewing and capture snapshots of old home movies to share across social networks with friends and family members. YesVideo integrates with Facebook, Twitter, and email so you can share your photo, film, and video transfers easily. How do you get started converting your footage into digital formats? Transfer your videos with YesVideo or a YesVideo retail partner and then download the free app.

Leticia is the founder of Tech Savvy Mama, a site that assists parents in navigating the ever-changing world of technology. She uses her experience as a former teacher and technology specialist for a large DC Metro area school system to share new technology and educational resources. Connect with Leticia on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.