First Week of Preschool!
This has been an amazing week. My baby, Jamie (ok he's 3, but to me he'll always be a baby) started preschool and it has been very successful so far! He is so proud to gather up his bag and his "homework" and get ready for school each morning. Every day he asks if "all his big boys" will be at school with him, like his friends Jay, Thomas, and new friends he is meeting every day. This kid has been blessed with the most easygoing, pleasant, cheerful personality; I want to be just like him when I grow up.
You should see my momAgenda for this week. It is such a mess. Anyone who looked at it would think that I belong in an insane asylum. Ironically, despite all the scribblings and notations, I still managed to forget the fact that 3 of my kids were supposed to start their soccer practices this week. I have to learn this lesson: it is not enough to just own a momAgenda; you must write your childrens' activities in it, in order for it to be effective.
Andrew, Jenna, and Matt are really enjoying school so far. We have been so lucky that they all have amazing teachers and they also all have good friends in their classes. What a relief; I can exhale now. Have a great weekend everyone!