Comparing the momAgenda and the myAgenda

Comparing the momAgenda and the myAgenda

The following is a guest post from momAgendaCOMM blogger Tara Ziegmont.

The product comparison we’ve been asked for more than any other is the momAgenda and myAgenda, so that’s what I’m tackling this month.

Side by side, there’s virtually no difference aside from the title, momAgenda or myAgenda.

The covers in this photo are very different, but that’s got more to do with the materials than the actual agenda. The solid color covers on both momAgendas and myAgendas are soft, not at all shiny. The zebra and giraffe-print covers feel a little stiffer, and they have a slight shine, along with a grain that would accompany leather.

Inside the books are also just slightly different.

The instructions pages are tailored to the audience of each book. Inside the momAgenda is an explanation of how to use the book to keep track of a busy family – with suggested categories of children’s names. Inside the myAgenda is an explanation of how to use the book to manage a woman’s life – with suggested categories of work, exercise, To Do, and Class.

Another point to notice is that the myAgenda is one solid color throughout. It’s the same color as the Home Office Edition of the momAgenda, a pretty buff. The momAgenda’s pages are pink, blue, green, and purple.

Color is the primary difference between the momAgenda’s monthly pages that the myAgenda’s monthly pages.

Same with the weekly pages. Color is the primary difference.

There are differences between the momEssentials booklet and the myAgenda booklet go beyond color.

Remember, these booklets organize information that doesn’t change – contacts, family members, school addresses and phone numbers, medical information, important phone numbers, and birthdays.

The momAgenda has all of this information, organized around a family with children. There are spaces to list up to 4 schools and sections to enter medical information (doctors, allergies, meds, etc) about both parents and children.

The myAgenda is much shorter, including only spaces to list a woman and her spouse (or significant other) and their info.

Tara Ziegmont writes a variety of posts on her personal blog Feels Like Home and is the managing editor of a local blog called Harrisburg Area Moms. You can also connect with Tara on Twitter.