Spring & Summer Fashion Inspiration for Busy Moms
The following is a guest post from momAgendaCOMM blogger Toni Patton.
Spring is here which means it’s time to put away the heavy coats and sweaters and bring out the sandals and fun colors. Having grown up in Florida, I am a big fan of Spring and Summer so today I want to share with you three looks I think are great for busy moms. Whether you are looking for a daytime simple, but fun look or nighttime ensemble, chic spring is the time to get back into the “spring” of things!
First up for a daytime casual are jean shorts and tank tops. Pair it with the shoe of your choice and some fun bright accessories and you’ll look casual with a side of fabulous.
Check out this look I shared on Pinterest doing just that:
Next up is possibly one of my favorite clothing articles to bring out in spring…the sundress. Cute, comfy and casual – It’s perfect for around the house or Sunday morning services. I love to pair my sundresses with just a few accessories, sandals and a floppy hat (when out in the sun). It’s such an easy look to create and the possibilities are endless with sundresses. You can even take the look and make it appropriate for night time by adding heels and vamped up accessories.
Check out this fun daytime look:
Source: tonipatton.polyvore.com via Toni on Pinterest
Finally, a mom needs a night out. This is the time of year when we all come out of winter hibernation with a fresh look on life. Whether you and the special someone in your life want to have a date night sans kids or you need that girl time with your friends, it’s fun to get a little gussied up! Whether you are going to hit dinner and a movie or hit the hotspot in town, a touch of gold is perfect for springtime fun.
And sometimes, it’s not the outfit itself that does the talking but the shoes and accessories as seen here:
Source: tonipatton.polyvore.com via Toni on Pinterest
No matter if you are staying home, hitting the beach for a stroll, or heading out to have some fun, Spring is one season where you can really shine in the fashion department! Don’t forget to use your momAgenda Desktop to keep track of the sales! What’s even better than donning cute looks this spring is getting them on sale of course!
What are some of your favorite fashion tips for spring?
Toni shares stories about parenting, life and everything in between on her blog A Daily Dose of Toni. You can also find her on Twitter and Facebook.