Secrets to Creating the Perfect Summer Schedule
The following is a guest post from momAgenda COMM leader, Heather Reinhard.
We are always super busy as moms catering to our family’s schedule as well as trying to balance our own – and the summer fares no different. In fact, many moms find it even more challenging to stay organized in the summer when the kids are out of school and need tons of structure and constant “entertainment.” Between multiple summer activities, pool parties and trips to the beach, it’s important to remember to unplug a little this time a year as well.
Always being completely connected online is something that we seem to do really well. As moms, we are always multi-tasking by sending emails, responding to texts, making dinner and helping with homework…all at the same time. But, we should remember that the summer is the perfect time to kick back a bit and find some time to enjoy the warm weather and outdoor festivities.
Here are three tips to follow which may help you find the perfect balance this summer:
1. Learn to Say No. When the 25th pool party or summer barbeque invite comes along, turn it down. There’s only so many barbeques you can attend with the kids before you reach summer burger burnout. Instead, take a trip to your own backyard and strike up your own BBQ. Better yet, head to the beach with your own family and leave those other distractions behind. By learning to say no, it will actually free you up and allow you to spend time with your own family the way you want to.
2. Delegate Tasks to the Kids. Who wants to clean the house or the pool in the summer? Free up some of your time by getting the kids actively involved. Delegate some tasks that you know the kids can handle on their own (the kind of tasks that you also know will get done properly). Mowing the lawn or cleaning the pool may be difficult with little ones, so give them the task of making their beds, cleaning their rooms, and putting the dishes or laundry away. These small tasks (when done) will free you up to get some of the “larger” things done and will ultimately give you more time together as a family. Keeping the kids busy with tasks they can handle may be motivating to them if they are rewarded at the end – so offer a trip to the pool or the beach when tasks are complete.
3. Put the Phone Down for 24-48 Hours. We live in a connected universe – one that spins and circles around our constant influx of emails, texts, messages and various updates online. Sometimes, we are so connected online that there is a major disconnect offline. Learn to put the phone down on the weekends or in the evenings – or if you can swing it, for a full 24-48 hours in the summer. By unplugging, you will free up some of your time to reconnect with your family in real time. Especially in the summer, it’s the perfect time to make some of these small changes and in doing so, the summer schedule you’re trying so hard to keep up with may seem more manageable.
So, do yourself a favor – say no to that pool party, get the kids to help out around the house and learn to unplug for a bit. It may do wonders for yourself and your family this summer.
What are some of your tips that help you to stay organized in the summer?
Heather is the Leader of the Council of Media Moms and owner of the popular parenting blog Theta Mom. She also owns her own business at Theta Mom Media. Connect with Heather on Twitter and Facebook.