The Kitchen Folio Maintains My Sanity

The following is a guest post from momAgendaCOMM leader, Heather Reinhard.

It’s no secret that moms are the busiest people on the planet. And when you add in the words “back-to-school,” we immediately move into survival mode. Back-to-School is one of the absolute craziest times of the year – we plan ahead and schedule physical exams for the kids, shop for school supplies as well as new Fall clothing, and of course, fill out tons and tons of school related paperwork which never seems to end.

Our once simple monthly calendar full of pool parties and summer gatherings get quickly traded for the school and activity scheduling madness. Especially if you have more than one child and they attend different schools, it becomes very difficult to keep up with it all.

Until, the Kitchen Folio becomes a part of your life.

My family recently moved and I can’t even begin to tell you how much I depend on this product. This year, I have two children in different schools and although they may follow the same district calendar, activities and happenings in both schools vary greatly. So, I need a product that can be both stylish and functional to allow me to keep all of the necessary school paperwork for my kids in one space.

And the Kitchen Folio is great for my husband, too. He is able to quickly flip through and know instantly what is going on at any given time. I have separate tabs for each of our children’s school schedules, lunch schedules, important teacher notices, bus information, field trips, important contact info, etc. I even have a space for church related information as well as activities happening monthly throughout the town.

I love that the tabs come blank so that you can fill them out at your own pace and use them as you need them. You can really customize this product to fit you and your family’s needs – and it stays in the hub of the home, the kitchen!!

So, if you were ever wondering if and when you should purchase the Kitchen Folio, take it from a mom – one who just moved across the state – I couldn’t live without this product.

Heather is the Leader of the Council of Media Moms and owner of the popular parenting blog Theta Mom. She also owns her own business at Theta Mom Media. Connect with Heather on Twitter and Facebook.